Become a member

and subscribe to the Early Music magazine!

With a single request you become a member in the Swedish Early Music Society and start receiving four issues of the magazine Tidig Musik (Early Music). Simply email your name and address to and you will then be asked to pay the membership fee of 395 SEK. You will receive your first issue of Tidig Musik as soon as we receive your payment.

As a member you get:

How to Sign Up

Email with your name, phone number, email address and contact information, and we will reach out to you with information about how to pay for your membership.

Other Prices

For members under 26 years of age and for current students: 200 SEK,

Additional fee for postage for those living outside of Sweden: 250 SEK

(You are welcome to pay extra as a donation to our mission!)

About Data Processing

When you become a member you accept that the information provided becomes a part of our member registry. Our member registry is searchable by (and only by) members who have logged into our home page, in order for members to be able to find possible people to perform early music with where they live. If you prefer not to make your name and address available, we ask you to alert us to this fact in the comment field.